How long will it take me to get my order?
Typically, we ship same or next day. We ship first class or priority mail from USPS which takes from 2-3 days anywhere in the continental US. Plan for about 5 days from order to doorstep. You will likely be happy when it arrives early. If we are waiting for a shipment and cannot ship
within these parameters, we will let you know.
What if I have a bead emergency and need my beads fast?
Call or email us. Usually we can help.
Do you ship to other countries?
If you live in another country, we’d love to ship you beads too! However, beads are heavy and international shipping costs can be prohibitive. In some circumstances, the international flat rate cost is worth paying. Email us and we will quote you a price on shipping. We can decide together if it makes sense to ship you a box of full of beautiful beads.
What if I am not happy with my purchase?
We want you to be happy. If you are not happy, let us know. If we can’t make it right, return your order in its original condition within 14 days for a full refund.